eoStar provides a wide range of enterprise resource planning features, professional services, and guidance to those in the warehouse industry. One of our leading products is the WMS module, headlined by our warehouse management handheld application: eoWarehouse. This software suite will grant you access to easily understandable metrics, optimize your space management, improve your inventory cycle/accuracy, and more.
These are some of the most essential elements you will need to optimize your warehouse enterprise. Read on to learn how eoStar fits into all those categories.
Easily Understandable Metrics and Dashboard
Having access to up-to-date information is crucial for managing an efficient warehouse enterprise. Managers and employees must be able to find the data they want in a short period of time, and then be able to understand that data without having to spend extra time trying to decipher what they are seeing. When users spend less time trying to find data, they will be able to spend that time elsewhere to improve workplace productivity.
Another important tool in understanding data from your warehouse management software is being able to define metrics. For example, you can define a year as the metric you want to analyze so that you can look at long-term trends. Alternatively, you can customize looking at a daily metric if you want to see things like short-term trends, employee performance, and inventory tracking.
When you spend time understanding trends and discovering weaknesses in your warehouse operations, you can improve customer satisfaction. The key element in retaining customers is on time, undamaged, and error-free delivery of their purchased products. Identifying why mistakes or failures happen will allow warehouse management to improve future productivity.
eoStar’s WMS software suite that will grant you access to easily understandable metrics and data for your enterprise. eoStar also has a support team ready to stand by and help you. Upgrading or switching to an improved warehouse management system can come with bumps and hurdles; however, our team will be able to quickly assist you in order to reduce or completely avoid downtime in your system.
Space Management
Space management is another important element of managing an efficient warehouse. Some warehouses have to deal with empty space, disorganized space, or not enough space. As those challenges mount, whether it is due to business growth, human error, or changes in logistics, having an efficient warehouse management software system will help you overcome those hurdles.
One of the keys in efficient space management is having accurate inventory location data. It is also important to have a clear plan when you are finding new usage for empty or new space. Additionally, an efficient warehouse management system will compute the most efficient path for employees to move inventory. When time is saved through using the most efficient routes, workplace productivity will increase.
In addition to eoStar’s WMS software its eoWarehouse software can help your business improve its space usage efficiency through its accurate inventory system. eoStar also recognizes that the manner in which your inventory cycle operates will greatly affect your space management. Therefore, eoWarehouse was designed with that in mind. eoWarehouse can also help you figure out where to place certain inventory as it relates to employee travel paths. Reducing the time spent retrieving items for shipment by taking the shortest or most efficient route is another space management optimization technique.
Track Productivity
While it is clear that having easily understandable metrics is important, it is also important to be able to clearly track productivity and sales. When a warehouse manager is able to track trends in employee productivity, they will be able to identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. They can also identify the timeframes that it takes for inventory to enter and exit the warehouse.
If a warehouse has FIFO inventory, time is an important component in ensuring the products get out the door. Without optimized productivity, FIFO inventory may end up as dead inventory, which cuts into your profit margins.
Customer retention is determined through a number of factors, one of which is lead times. Reducing lead times without increasing errors is a goal that many warehouses strive for. In order to retain customers, a warehouse should reduce its lead time by using warehouse management system software that will accurately track inventory locations and levels. This will allow the warehouse to adequately meet customer demands.
WMS will allow you to accurately track product movement, picking metrics, and general work productivity. It will provide you with both micro and macro analyses of inventory cycling, code date tracking, and how efficiently your employees are working. Having an understanding of your work productivity will help your warehouse managers and staff understand their impact on your business..
SKU Proliferation
SKUs can be a double-edged sword in warehouse management systems. They can allow you to become more organized, identify nuanced products, and improve efficiency. However, too many SKUs that are left unchecked can complicate and slow down a supply chain, reduce workplace efficiency, and reduce profits.
While it is important for warehouses to add new products to satisfy customer demands, it is also necessary to stay on top of organizing the SKUs. New and increased inventory has the potential to increase your revenue; however, that revenue could be reduced through increased operational costs if SKUs are mismanaged.
eoWarehouse offers tools and modules that will allow you to efficiently organize SKUs, especially if an influx of SKUs arrives at your warehouse doors. eoStar recognizes how important it is to both grow your business and inventory stock while also staying organized. Using eoWarehouse will help you accomplish both of those goals.
Contact eoStar
eoStar has been helping warehouses through providing professional services and optimization software for years. On top of our services, we will back up our products with a readily available IT team. We believe our WMS software and eoWarehouse is the top software suite for warehouse businesses to optimize their enterprises. If you would like a consultation about WMS, eoWarehouse, or any of our products, contact us today.